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Rogelio Rodríguez Coronel

Doctor in Philological Sciences. He is Full Professor and Professor Emeritus of the University of Havana. He is the Director of the Spanish Language Academy of Cuba, a corresponding member of the Royal Spanish Academy and the Spanish Language Academy of Panama, as well as member of honor of the Spanish Language Academy of Colombia. He has published twelve books; among them La novela de la Revolución Cubana (The Cuban Revolution Novel) (1985) which was granted the 1986 Critique National Award. That same year, his collection of essays Lecturas sucesivas (Successive Readings). He has been visiting professor, has taught courses and taken part as a presenter and lecturer about Cuban and Latin American culture and literature in universities and institutions of Europe, Latin America and the United States. He has been granted awards for the Cuban Education and the Cuban Culture. He was honored with the Rector of the University of Havana Lifetime Achievement Award. He is a member of the National Association of Cuban Writers and Artists.

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